
What i think this quote means is that those people that do good in life are going to be doing life good because they know that they have done the right thing. those others feel that they have done what is wrong so they are never going to do what is right  because they feel what they did is right but truly it is really wrong. for an example if you find a wallet and it has money and you see that this person is missing there wallet then the right thing to do is give it back and not only did you do good then you feel good because you would love if someone has returned you wallet with all it's money. but some people actually keep the money and just leave it there but then you think what if someone saw you and you get in trouble then you feel a guilt and then when you  spend that money you know that you didn't earn that money fairly so it is always better to do right because you are living the right way and showing others how it fells to live better. 

"only those live who do good" Count Leo Tolstoy
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