a righht heart

" great beauty, greaty strength, and riches are really and truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all."

what i think this qoute means is that  you can be the riches person in the whole world but you can choose the wrong the whole time and do dumb things with your money like on drugs or things that you don't need. you can be a person with have a really good heart then one that will win will be the one with the good heart because the people knowthat theycan trust the person with a good heart because they will always do what is right and what is right. the person who has a lot of money will try to win by buying therte way at it and they know that  isn't the right way of winning and that makes people know that he can't be trusted. so it is always better to do the right because peopl will know that you are a better person then the one that is rich and always backstab your friends, family. and they will know that they can't trust you and they will rather trust someone they barly know because they know they have a good heart


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