what we do today

" it  may a diffrence to all eternity whether we do right or wrong today-James freeman clarke

 what i think james is trying to say is  that what ever you do in life  if it is bad or good  it will always effected  somehow like  for example  if youn have  been in  trouble because you were caught stealing something then you are going to pay for what you have done and you may get some kjail time for it  then when you come out and you still act the same then you are going to keep paying for that crime and be known that you can't be trusted. but if you do what is right like you catch the person who was stealing then  people know that you can be trusted and you can do what people ask you to do then you are going to pay for itbut in a good way like you  may get something for free , you can get a discount, if youare accused of something then you have a lower chance of getting in trouble because you know and others know that you didn't do that crime. it is always better to do what is right because you will pay a good price for it not like people that have done bad  and will not pay a good price for it.

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