in acting well

" act well your part;there all honors lies."- alexander pope

what i think this qoute means is that  when you do something that is right  then you will be notice for a postive memory. but when you do something that is wrong then it will be rember for a bad memory when you are part of it. for example when you find something that belong to a persopn ansd you give it back  then that person dosen't know you but they will call you that person that return my stuff to me. but say you do the wrong thing and you know that person looking for it but you keep it then you  just keep it then people are going to remember  you by that id that took my stuff and never gave it back. so it is always better to do what is right because more people can trust you and that feels good then having people say no lets not be poeple around him or her thayarer maybe going to steal my stuff.

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